2.1. Guide topics

2.1.1. eDelivery discover infrastructure

This guide is designed to provide you with an understanding of the Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS). It explains the essential components required to set up DDDS infrastructure and their specific functions:

  • The Service Metadata Publisher (SMP)

  • The Service Metadata Locator (SML)

  • The Dynamic Discovery Client (DDC)

  • The Access Point(AP)

It also highlights the benefits of integrating a DDDS into your message exchange networks.

2.1.2. Dynamic discovery client

This guide is designed to provide you with an understanding of the Dynamic Discovery Client (DDC). It explains how to use the eDelivery DDC example to validate and test the DDDS infrastructure. It also provides an overview of the DDC’s core features and how to use them in practice. The understanding of the DDC is essential for some of the next guides where we will talk about DomiSMP features.

2.1.3. Start DomiSMP as a Spring Boot application (for demo and testing)

In this guide, you will learn how to start the DomiSMP as a Spring Boot application. It explains how to set up the DomiSMP database and initial configuration. This instance is used for testing and demonstration purposes and is the initial step for the next guides.

2.1.4. The DomiSMP concept and features

This guide is designed to provide you with an understanding of the two basic concepts in DomiSMP service:

  • The DomiSMP resurce locator for finding the right Message capability document for a given participant.

  • The DomiSMP realms and user roles/permissions. The understanding of the DomiSMP concept is essential to understand user administration.

2.1.5. The DomiSMP UI overview

This guide is designed to provide you with an understanding of the DomiSMP user interface. It provides DomiSMP UI overview and explains the basic User settings such as user profile and manaegment tools for user access tokens and certificates.